District Judge 24th Judicial District
- Lisa Harvey-Moore (January 2025 to present)
- Jack W. Marr (January 2013 to December 2024)
- Joseph P. "Pat" Kelly (Appointed 1993 to December 2012)
- Clarence Stevenson (1979 to 1993 - deceased in office)
- Joe E. Kelly (1965 to 1978)
- Howard P. Green (1945 to 1964)
District Judge 135th Judicial District (Court created in 1953)
- Kemper Steven Williams Jr. (January 2000 to present)
- Marion Lewis (Appointed 1988 to December 1999)
- Frank H. Crain (1961 to 1988)
- Frank W. Martin (1953 to 1960)
District Judge 267th Judicial District (Court created in 1982)
- Julie Bauknight (January 2023 to Present)
- Robert "Bobby" Bell (January 2018 to December 2022)
- Skipper Koetter (November 2002 to December 2018)
- Whayland W. Kilgore (January 1983 to November 2002 - retired)
- Marion M. Lewis (Appointed 1982)
District Judge 377th Judicial District (Court created in 1990)
- Eli Garza (January 2015 to present)
- Robert Cheshire (Appointed 1990 to December 2014)
County Court At Law No. 1 (Court created in 1975)
- Travis Earnst (Appointed March 2013 to present)
- Laura A. Weiser (Appointed July 1990 to February 2013 - resigned)
- Jerry J. Garrett (Appointed 1975 to July 1990 - retired)
County Court At Law No. 2 (Court created in 1983)
- Daniel Gilliam (January 2011 to present)
- Juan Velasquez III (Appointed 1983 to December 2010)
Justice of the Peace Precinct No. 1 (Court exchanged with Precinct 3 at the end of 1994)
- Mary Ann Estrada Rivera (January 2015 to present)
- Richard Castillo (April 2012 to December 2014)
- Annie Ramos (January 1997 to March 2012)
- Chris Rivera (January 1991 to December 1995)
- Beatriz Q. Gonzalez (Appointed 1986 to December 1994)
- Alfred C. Baass (January 1947 to 1985 deceased)
- J.T. Linebaugh Jr.(January 1943 to December 1946)
- Alfred C. Baass (January 1941 to December 1942)
- A.B. Chambers
Justice of the Peace Precinct No. 2
- Rodney Durham (January 2021 to present)
- Lee S. Posey (January 2007 to December 2020)
- Carolyn Milam (Appointed September 2005 to December 2006)
- Jack Milam (January 1993 to August 7, 2005 deceased)
- Bob Ozment (Appointed 1991 to December 1992)
- R. Owen Ricker Jr. (Appointed 1987 to 1991 deceased)
- Richard Cisneros (January 1979 to 1987 resigned)
- L.W. Maufrais (January 1975 to December 1978)
- Richard Morton (January 1971 to December 1974)
- Matry Hyak (January 1967 to December 1970)
Justice of the Peace Precinct No. 3 (Precinct exchanged with Precinct 1 at the end of December 1994)
- Robert B. Whitaker (January 2007 to present)
- Beatriz Q. Gonzalez (January 1995 to December 2006)
- Chris Rivera (January 1991 to December 1994)
- Sylvia White (Appointed 1989 to December 1990)
- Beth Hawes Chamrad (January 1983 to 1989 resigned)
- James R. Smith (January 1981 to December 1982)
- Weldon Mallette (January 1979 to December 1980)
Justice of the Peace Precinct No. 4
- John G. Miller (January 2015 to present)
- Ted G. Seel (Appointed September 2012 to December 2014)
- Henry A. "Hank" Welfel, Jr. (January 2007 to August 2012 - deceased in office)
- Tom Eastland (January 1999 to December 2006)
- Randy Vivian (January 1991 to December 1998)
- Clyde Wilkinson (January 1983 to December 1990)
- Allan R. Lazor (January 1979 to December 1982)