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Precinct 1:
Jeff Meyer
(361) 580-5748

Precinct 2:
Rex Mayes

Precinct 3:
Kenneth Easley Jr.
(361) 580-5760

Precinct 4:
Aaron Burleson
(361) 571-6039

Precinct Map
These peace officers are the first link in the county's chain of law enforcement. Along with their deputies, constables have all the enforcement powers of Texas peace officers. They are sometimes referred to as the executive officer of the justice of the peace courts.

  • Serves as a licensed peace officer and performs various law enforcement functions, including issuing traffic citations
  • Serves warrants and civil papers such as subpoenas and temporary restraining orders
  • Serves as bailiff for Justice of the Peace Court
  • Execute judgments
  • Service of process

Other Duties:
In large metropolitan counties the constable may also assist the county and district courts. In addition, they may perform patrol functions and make criminal investigations. They are involved in the overall effort to reduce the effects of crime in their communities, including, in some cases, the operation of truancy programs.