How can I...
Thank a Vet logo
Business Name:
Business Category:
Business Phone Number: Please include area code: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Hours of Operation:
Text to Display:
Business Discount:
Business Address:
Extension (Optional)
Business E-mail:
Business Website: Example:
Business Contact:
Business Title:
Please specify the percentage or amount of discount. Please include limits or conditions, if applicable. Example: "10% discount on parts and service."
Discount Start Date:
Signature/Sign Off:

I agree to offer the above list discount to all veterans who provide the Victoria County Discount Card."

Neither Victoria County nor the Victoria County Clerk's Office shall be responsible for the content or accuracy of the merchant participation form, nor any event that may occur during the interactions between the veterans and a participating merchant.

If any questions, please contact the Victoria County Clerk's Office at (361) 575-1478 or Fax (361)575-6276 or via email at

Please share this with other merchants that may wish to participate in this program.